Natural Lifecycles
Imagine that you want to form a private DAO chess club with seven members that will each invest 100 Sim-oleons for a chessboard in a park in your
favorite metaverse. But you only know three other members and need to find three more. Moving your DAO through a inception, genesis, and propagation phases,
each with its own governance and exit structure, allows you to lock in commitments, show others your progress, and either move forward or dissolve simply.
If your inception phase reaches its seven member target, then your genesis event mints and distributes tokens to each player, and you can buy your
chessboard in the park. If your propagation governance structure allows you to add members, your treasury processes can distribute their buy-in to
founding members, or keep it to help buy another chessboard in the park.
Later, if interest wanes and nobody is using your boards, you might have an
automatic voting event that clears the way for an auction and a return of Sim-oleons to active members and dissolves the DAO.